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20th Reply
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Posted 15-06-04 - 08:05 AM
> Ñîâñåì âñþ íå ìîãó, íî ïî÷òè ïîëíîñòüþ ðàñøèôðîâàë â ñâîå âðåìÿ. Íàäî áóäåò ïîñëóøàòü-âñïîìíèòü.

Ñäåëàé äîáðîå äåëî, ïëèç :)
ß ïîïûòàëñÿ ñëîâà Íóìàíèè íàïèñàòü, íî ïóòíîãî íè÷åãî íå âûøëî. Âîîáùå èíòåðåñíî - ïî÷åìó ëèðèêó íà Obey ìîæíî íàéòè íà ñòà ñ ëèøíèì ñàéòàõ, à íà çàãëàâíóþ ïåñíþ ñèíãëà - íèãäå :(
Ñêîðåå âñåãî ïîòîìó, ÷òî ôàíàòû La Camilla ïîñòàðàëèñü â ñâî¸ âðåìÿ. Ìîëîäöû - ÷òî ñêàçàòü!? :)

Îñòàëàñü íåíàéäåíà òîëüêî The Dream. Åñòü òîëüêî ìàõîíüêàÿ ïðåâüþøêà, ñäåëàííàÿ èç real-audio, ÷òî íà âýáìàñòåð âûêëàäûâàë. Ïåñåíêà íåïëîõàÿ - â ñòèëå âñåõ ðàííèõ ïðîèçâåäåíèé E-type è Ñòàêêè Á. Æàëü òîëüêî, ÷òî è â ýòîé ïåñíå, ïîõîæå, ãîëîñ Ìàðòèíà îòñóòñòâóåò.

Ç.Û. íàðîä òàê íóæåí êîìó-íèáóäü ïðîìîâñêèé äèñê ñ Obey èëè ìíå åãî íà ebay âûêèíóòü? :)
21st Reply
Flasher T
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Post: 709
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Posted 15-06-04 - 10:03 PM
" ýòîì ñëó÷àå çâóê òîëïû èëè ïîñòîðîííåãî øóìà ìîæåò çàïèñàòüñÿ òîëüêî ÷åðåç âèáðàöèþ ïîâåðõíîñòè áàðàáàíà. À ÷òîáû ýòî ïðîèçîøëî èì íóæíî î÷åíü ñèëüíî ïîñòàðàòüñÿ :)."

Only way to feel the noise is make it screamin' loud
So loud I can't believe it's screamin' with the crowd

-Motorhead, "Overkill" ;)
22nd Reply
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Posted 16-06-04 - 01:10 PM
Schloss, çà ñêîëüêî îòäàøü? ;))
ïèøè íà å-ìàèë
23rd Reply
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Posted 16-06-04 - 01:24 PM
2 Ekaterina

ok! :)
24th Reply
Flasher T
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Posted 06-07-04 - 05:39 PM
Øëîññ, îäèí íàø îáùèé çíàêîìûé ïðîáóäèë âî ìíå â÷åðà ñîâåñòü, òàê ÷òî áåðè, ÷òî ðàçîáðàë ïîêà... ×àñòü òîãî, ÷òî îòñóòñòâóåò, ïðîñòî ïîêà íå ñêëàäûâàåòñÿ â ñâÿçíûé òåêñò, ÷àñòü âîîáùå íå ïîíèìàþ:

Yo, I'm whole, and I'm here now
And I'm really bossy
Y'all make peace, or I'll call on the posse
I'll tell you the truth,
To select and collect ain't my ??? de luxe
Choose the other word,
The world ain't my burden,
To wriggle the rhyme, I'll be your mind surgeon
I'm fed up with all this sick slack
Cause I'm one of a time and never so fine a brother ??? back

So here's the story, and you better pay attention
To lower the level of my sole intention
Reminds me - how low did that base go?
???????????????????? and burn my face
So I'll give you a chance, cause I'm civilized
And my primary goal, it ain't oversized
So please help me out in the search for the key
Cause all me want is some harmony

We got the atmosphere
We've got a goal to share
Won't let nobody tear it down.

So suckers! Let's scream out the bomb
And when push comes to shove it's all a matter of time
And we all recognize
That life is a game with a dice
But we don't realize
That profits only raise the prize
So let's be good and make it clear and understood
That I would sympathize with everyone if I could
So please help me out in the search for the key
Cause if I really want something bad it's harmony.

Follow me
To this world
That I've built,
For my tough belief is the key
And by stealth, I must leave to be free

I don't know what they want
Don't know if they are here
Can't go, cause I've gone too far...


We can be this strong and remain
Everlasting, long, and skip all the pain
It's torment, have I gone insane
All efforts and acts seem to be in vain

How? This force
Is too strong
Must stand here and obey
I know
That it's wrong
How can....

I get away
From hell.


????? at twelve, I fall again
I'm caught and chewed by these mortal jaws
Blackened and confused, is this the end?

Did I
Get into
This pit of deadly sin
Don't know
What to do

25th Reply
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Post: 63
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Posted 07-07-04 - 05:32 AM
ß, êàæåòñÿ, äîãàäûâàþñü êòî îí (âåðíåå îíà) - íàø îáùèé çíàêîìûé :))) Åé ÿ ñêàæó ñâî¸ ñïàñèáî ïîçæå, ïðè ëè÷íîé âñòðå÷å.
Flasher, îãðîìíîå òåáå ñïàñèáî çà ïåðåâîä. ß, êîíå÷íî æå, ñâîèìè ñèëàìè íå ñìîã áû íàáðîñàòü è ïîëîâèíû òåêñòà - êîãäà ñèäèøü è ìíîãî ðàç ïðîñëóøèâàåøü îäíó è òó æå ôðàçó, ïîñòåïåííî îíà ñòàíîâèòñÿ äëÿ òåáÿ âñ¸ áîëåå çàïóòàííîé è... êîðî÷å, ëåçåøü â òàêèå äåáðè, èç êîòîðûõ ìîæíî âûáðàòüñÿ òîëüêî ïîñêèïàâ ýòó ñòðî÷êó è ïåðåéäÿ ê äðóãîé... åù¸ áîëåå íåïîíÿòíîé :))))

Ãðàæäàíå, ýòî ó ìîåãî êîìïà ãëþê èëè äåéñòâèòåëüíî â ÅÄÊ-øíûõ ÷àðòàõ òåïåðü ìîæíî ãîëîñîâàòü íå îäèí ðàç â ñóòêè, à ñêîëüêî óãîäíî ðàç? :)
26th Reply
Flasher T
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Post: 714
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Posted 07-07-04 - 01:53 PM
Äà íåò, ÷åëîâåê, êîòîðîãî ÿ èìåë â âèäó, èìåííî îí... Õì. Íó ëàäíî, âñå ðàâíî áåðè, ìíå íå æàëêî. :)
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