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Misc.  [Interview with Nana Hedin - February 12th, 2000]
  • Interview from February 12th, 2000 with Nana Hedin from Dutch radio program "TIGERS OF SATURDAY NIGHT" or in Dutch "TIJGERS VAN DE ZATERDAGAVOND"

    The man behind the interview is Danny van der Ploeg - better known as the webmaster of the Official Dutch E-type homepage called E-type Experience.

    The interview with Nana Hedin

    Danny: We have on the phone, NANA HEDIN. Hello Nana!

    Nana: Hi!

    Danny: Hi! It's nice to hear from you finally after 2 months - you were very busy with a tour with Dr. Alban

    Nana: Yeah, I was - I've been in South Africa now for 2 months - I've stayed afterwards after I worked with Alban just for a short period on holiday

    Danny: Right! Did you have a great year 2000 switch?

    Nana: Oh wonderful!

    Danny: Wonderful? Great! I'll translate to the Dutch people now

    ....Dutch translation

    Danny: Well, you heard Irwin say that you have worked with a lot of great musicians like E-type, Dr. Alban, DJ BoBo, Britney Spears and much more. How was that in the studio?

    Nana: Well, basically I've been working with the production company Cheiron with the people like Max Martin and Denniz PoP and since they got so successful through the years, they have just brought me along and last year I think the prime thing was when I got the chance to do the backup vocals for Celine Dion on her new album that she's just released.

    Danny: Yes, "That's The Way It Is" - that's what the song is called. Great song it is! And you said earlier that you worked with Denniz PoP who died to early because of cancer. That was sad in music history, I must say.

    Nana: Yeah, that was very sad.

    Danny: He and also Max Martin and Kristian Lundin makes great music

    Nana: Right, the music and the memory of Denniz just lives on through Cheiron and the fantastic work they have done with all of the wonderful artists around the world.

    Danny: Great! I will translate for the Dutch audience right now

    ....Dutch translation

    Danny: Nana, do you have a wish to go on a solo career like Britney Spears and what style of music do you want to make then?

    Nana: Well, that would have to be in the future though, because I love my work the way it is right now and of course I would like to do a solo career, but I think, you know, time will tell all in time

    Danny: Well, you are very busy at the moment. You are working right now with the new album of Britney Spears

    Nana: Yes, that's right

    Danny: Can you tell something about song-titles which you work on?

    Nana: I can't tell you the song-titles though, but I can tell you that it's going to be a great album!

    Danny: Great album! Alright! Because right now "Born To Make You Happy" is a real success here in Holland

    Nana: Oh, it is? Nice song, right?

    Danny: Yeah, it is and you're singing along on it!

    Nana: Yeah, I am

    Danny: The next question was posted by Morten from and he asks (and you also get his greetings) - How important do you think, fansites on the Internet are in the whole promotion thing?

    Nana: I have no idea. I think it's important for the fans to get a page to go to and get some kind of contact with the artists and Internet is really important since it's so global and meeting different kinds of people. It's really wonderful.

    Danny: Right! Great! Thank you very much for this interview and as we said earlier, you have also worked with E-type! Your favourite song of E-type - do you want to announce it here on "TIGERS OF SATURDAY NIGHT" for us and for the audience?

    Nana: Sure!

    Danny: Alright! Nana, be our guest and say it!

    Nana: OK *laugh* - "TIGERS OF SATURDAY NIGHT" ... I'm calling your name!

    Danny: Alright! E-type here at "TIGERS" - Nana, thanx!!

    Re-written by NetRoam for & E-type Experience

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