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Hi and welcome to - Official Danish Website of E-type
This page was created November 25th [1998] by NetRoam, and it has been through massive updates ever since. All in all there have been 5 previous designs. Screenshots of these designs can be viewed below
Around March/April [1999] my good friend, posh! came along, and he has been a very useful source, and he is also the man behind many great ideas to this site, which have been made lately.
At summertime [1999] the crew got another member, Stingbat. His main job is to make all the scripts for this website and he has really done a great job so far!
2 years later [Summer of 2001] we more or less said goodbye to posh!, since he hasn't shown interest in the site for a very long time and in addition to that he hasn't brought anything new to the site either, so from now on there are only 2 in the crew!
We all hope, you will enjoy this homepage! Don't hesitate to e-mail us, if you should have any questions or comments